The order must be shipped within 5-6 days from the date of Receiving the order within agreed time provided by you (also known as Service Level Agreement or SLA). You can check the status of your order and the days left for dispatch on The MGA Supplier panel.

MGA Return Policy

Customer can return the product within 7day from the date of Delivery and the Shipment which weren't delivered to the customer get converted to RTO (Return to Origin).


If a customer returns a product, then MGA is charged a return shipping fee based on the weight of the shipment.

If on order is not delivered to a customer and gets converted to an RTO, The MGA will not be charged any additional fee for shipping.

All return & RTO related charges can be tracked & managed using different tools that are provided to MGA. Please note that for some exceptional cases.the return shipping fees can be waived off.